December 2020 PRGRCO Meeting minutes Board meeting called to order @ 6:42pm Roll call: Dawn, Katie, Joni, Christa, Debbie, Jeanie, Susan GRCA talking about a "No-host" National. Email from Sheri Farmer talks of it being held at Linn County fairgrounds. Would request help from PRGRO and from others. Dawn has responded back to SHeri but hasnt' heard back. Should we continue planning for 2021 Specialty in March or postpone? Debbie suggests that we postpone until the later half of the year. There's still a lot of work to be done and COVID-19 limitations may end up causing us to cancel anyway. Debbie suggests we still host the eye clinic without the Specialty. Already signed contracts with Chintimini. Debbie will make a motion to postpone at the General Meeting. We need to come up with a nominating committee. Christa motions to adjouns. Susan seconds. All approved. Meeting adjourned at 7:02pm. General Meeting called to order @ 7:18pm Roll Call: Dawn, Katie, Joni, Christa, Debbie, Jeanie, Susan, Kathy T., Jim B., Lyla, Judy S., Jim T., Alice, Doug. President's Report: GRCA contacted Dawn about our support for "No-Host" National. Most everyone wants to help. Debbie proposes she volunteers to be the Vendor Chair and have everyone help. We need a nominating committee. Everyone present from board would like to remain. Christa would like to be on the committee as the one member from the board. Judy and Kathy T. are not interested in being on nominating committee. ALice would like to be on the nominating committee and so would Lyla. We need to ask Alison if she'd like to keep her position as Secretary. Kathy T. would like to send Alison a gift from the club. Group consensus is that a floral arrangement and card would be appropriate. Christa motions that the club spends up to $75 on a gift. Dawn motions to vote and all approved. Vice President's Report: Katie mentions that she still needs reimbursement for $75 gift to Jeannie. Will submit receipts to Jeanie via email. Zoom membership is a fee of $14.99 a month to host meeting exceeding 40 minutes. Katie would like remimbursement from the club for December meeting and all further virtual meetings. Katie will submit all further receipts to Jeanie. Treasurer's report: Joni motions to approve the report as read, Susan seconds. All approved. Other reports: Debbie motions to postpone our 2021 Specialty until the next possible opportunity due to COVID-19. Debbie is not willing to cancel the Specialty at the last minute again. Kathy T. seconds, all approved. Motion carries. We'll reconvene at the next meeting about opportunities. Debbie says that Kelli reports that we need to find new members to lead Member education and Public education. Joni motions for Christa to take over Member education, Debbie seconds. Discussed the current Constitution and Bylaws rules regarding when memberships terminates due to lapsing membership form and lack of dues. Dues must be paid and form submitted by January 1st to vote for the current year, dues and form must be submitted by March 1st or membership is terminated. Lapsed members may apply to the Board for reinstatement if its in the same calendar year. Kathy T. brings up posting on Facebook page "Pacific Northwest Golden Retriever." Popular page on Facebook with many dogs without health testing. Is not related to Judy B.'s Northwest Goldens. Breeder referral renewal is also due soon. Members will have to meet the breeder referral requirements to be listed, as usual. Still not enough puppies available for all of those interested. Brags: Susan has a new grandson and another on the way! Kathy and Judy's boy Rookie turned 13! Susan motions to adjourn, Christa seconds. All approved. Meeting adjourned at 8:53.