Pacific Rim Golden Retriever Club of Oregon
December 2024 General Meeting
December 15, 2024
Time: 3:52PM
Robin Murphy, Christa Thompson, Debbie Berry, Tammy Pengelly, Lorene Jones, Sandy Loeb, Alice Brown, Jeanie Schuldt, Bridgett Highley.
President's Report
Thanks to everyone for coming. It's nice to spend social time together.
Secretary's Report
November minutes will be read in January.
Correspondence: Robin has been corresponding with a potential new member and will invite her to the January meeting.
Treasurer's Report
Reported at the board meeting.
Vice-President's Report (Membership)
Membership applications are due and have been coming in.
Old Business
Committee Reports:
Member/Public Education (Dawn/Christa): Meet the Breeds at Rose City January 18, 2025; Christa reported that she has requested a double-space on the end of the aisle, and is waiting to hear back from them. She will post on the Facebook page.
Website (Rachel): Rachel suggested that we take a photo of members participating at the Meet the Breeds in January, as well as updating our club photo at our annual banquet. We should wear our shirts again.
2025 Specialty: Christa reported that the ribbon maker has been contacted. We need to make sure that our supported entry is on the premium list.
CKC Eye Clinic (June 2025): Jeanie reported that Clackamas KC will accommodate the clinic at the new location.
Gold Bond Website: Alice will contact them and ask them to remove our logo and information.
New Business
Nominating committee: A nominating committee was formed for 2025. Chair: Sandy Loeb. Bridgett Highley will participate. Robin will reach out to Kelli McCulloch to see if she would also participate. Sandy will reach out to current officers and board members to see if they are willing to continue, and go from there.
There was a discussion about explaining the process for applying for club annual awards and memory plaques. Christa will set up a ZOOM meeting for anyone interested in learning more about our awards application process. This meeting will be Thursday, January 9 at 7:00PM. Christa will post the ZOOM link and password on the Facebook page.
Annual Awards Process Meeting (January 9, 2025, 7:00PM), ZOOM
Rose City Classic (Meet the Breeds January 18, 2025), Portland Expo Center
PRGRCO Specialty (April 3, 2025) Linn County Fairgrounds. Albany
PRGRCO Eye Clinic (April 5, 2025) Linn County Fairgrounds, Albany
Annual Meeting & Awards Banquet (April 12, 2025), Cascade Grill, Albany
Meeting Adjourned
Time: 4:22PM Motion: Lorene, Second: Christa.