Pacific Rim Golden Retriever Club of Oregon
January 2025 Board Meeting
PRGRCO Board Agenda
Call to Order: 6:34 PM
Attendees: Lorene Jones, Scott Jones, Christa Thompson, Tammy Pengelly, Debbie Berry, Robin Murphy, Jeanie Schuldt, Karen Millikan, Rachel Read, Emily Wuetcher
Secretary's Report
December minutes Read by Robin, Motion: Tammy; Second: Christa. November minutes read by Rachel, minutes accepted as amended. Motion: Lorene; Second: Tammy.
Treasurer's Report
General Account: Paid $100 for 2025 club dues to GRCA. The $1800 check to Dr Sarah Maxwell for the eye clinic finally cleared. Misc interest earned. Balance: $13,928.19
Specialty Account: A check sent to Robin for Rally supplies for the specialties was cleared by mistake, this will be considered part of the other reimbursements owed Robin. Balance: $10,583.95. Discussion was had about scheduling an audit, should we do it annually? By the calendar year or by the fiscal year? Likely in May. Motioned by Tammy; Seconded by Rachel. Will discuss date/time later. Jeanie needs to order check blanks. It was determined a motion was not necessary for this.
Old Business
Breeder Referral Applications - Tabled to next month, this will be an executive board meeting done over zoom on February 13th, 2025 at 7:00PM. Christa will create the zoom information and send invites privately to board members.
Golden Bond Rescue took the Acknowledgements page down.
New Business
Action Items for February
Executive Board Meeting for approving Breeder Referral Applicants (February 13th, 2025)
Meeting Adjourned at 7:04PM
Motion: Rachel; Second: Tammy