Pacific Rim Golden Retriever Club of Oregon
January 2025 General Meeting
January 29th, 2025
Call to Order: 7:21 PM
Alice Brown, Scott & Lorene Jones, Christa Thompson, Tammy Pengelly, Debbie Berry, Robin Murphy, Jeanie Schuldt, Karen Millikan, Rachel Read, Emily Wuetcher
President's Report
Robin thanked the volunteers for MTB
Secretary's Report
December minutes read by Robin, Motion: Christa; Second: Debbie. November minutes read by Rachel. Minutes accepted as amended. Motion: / Second:
Correspondence: Robin received email about 990 tax forms, discussed that with Jeanie. Rachel received notice from AKC regarding the Specialty events being approved, as well as the notice about the increase in entry fees.
Treasurer's Report
Discussed during Board meeting.
General: $13,928.19
Specialty: $10, 583.95
Vice President's Report
Membership Applications are past due, Christa reached out to missing members about renewing, has yet to hear back.
Christa updated the membership list but forgot to add half the membership, passed a master list around to members to write down their information so she can update it.
Old Business
Committee Reports
Breeder Education (Debbie) - Dr Sarah Maxwell is likely not going to happen, we brainstormed other ideas:
Myra Savant-Harris Repro seminar
Charge for event, not a "money-making" event, just enough to cover costs to get her here
Stand-alone event, perhaps at a hotel ballroom or something more towards the Portland area
Myra is very popular so we may need to look into doing this in 2026/2027.
Cheryl Lopate (no)
Canine Acupuncturist from Corvallis (better for member education)
Paul Scherlie or Pet massage (better for member education)
Socialization stuff/Puppy Culture (Karen has the DVD), Dr Wu
OSU speaker about AI
Alice's vet - PennHip, etc.
Puppy Referral (Rachel)
Rachel was contacted by Daniel Rissman in December, asked for specific breeders who had puppies on the ground, Rachel clarified with Robin and directed him to the Highleys and Alice, but suggested reaching out to them and others on the list directly as we cannot guarantee availability, etc.
Christa suggested adding a paragraph to the breeder referral page about not expecting reputable breeders to always have puppies available right now. Discussion was had.
Member/Public Education (Christa)
Meet the Breeds on 01/18/2025 went well.
Website (Rachel)
Discussed latest website activity, peaks happened right around MTB. Rachel enabled Search Engine Optimization in December. Top 3 most popular links clicked on the website were to Jeanie, Kelli, and the Highley's websites, respectively.
Facebook (Christa) - Debbie posted MTB photos
Public FB Page (Lorene) - 664 views on the MTB posts.
Hospitality/Awards (Christa/Debbie)
Debbie handles the applications, Christa the trophies. Debbie updated the Awards applications, inserted the award for CH Sunshine's Intentional Walk CD CGC TDI CCA. Discussed the qualifications for the CH Sunshine's Four On the Floor, OS, trophy, and the MS Molly Brown, CD, Memorial Trophy (which are based on the accomplishments of the progeny of the stud dog/brood bitch). Also clarified that one can apply for a memory plaque/tab for accomplishments in any venue (AKC, UKC, IABCA, etc), the perpetual awards are for AKC events only. We need to figure out where all the trophies are, and get them back by the meeting on FEBRUARY 19TH. Christa will contact Award Specialties in Hillsboro to determine the due date for the award applications.
2025 Specialty (Lorene/Robin)
Show Chair (Lorene) Just about ready to roll, there was a potential scheduling conflict when it came to Pam Lambie which was resolved. Has informed Onofrio via email that we will not be using their ribbons for the foreseeable future unless/until we tell them otherwise. Per Jeanie have reserved 15 tables for the Specialty but there was nothing in the paperwork about chairs, she is going to reach out to Sue to find out what needs to be done to acquire about 25-30 ringside chairs. The tables/room for the eye clinic were paid for today and the ins will be taken care of tomorrow.
Obedience (Robin) - Working on the premium, Debbie is purchasing stuffies for 2nd-4th placements. The Obedience Judge will need a ride from the airport on April 2nd, we are unsure which airport. Tammy is possibly willing to pick her up.
Sweeps (Debbie) - Kerry Schlect is stewarding for both Sweeps and Breed.
Raffle (Debbie) - We need donations for the raffle baskets, Tammy and the Highleys are helping out, Debbie is going to reach out to Kelli and Dawn to see if they'd be willing to help.
Decorations (Rachel) - Coming along, we need to locate the black PRGRCO sign, Rachel needs to figure out how many people are needed to help set up.
Lunch (Tammy/Jeanie) - Using Jackapetti's for lunch, it is about $4 cheaper than the other options at about $11.25/box. We are feeding stewards, chairs, judges, members who are there to help.
Karen is going to discuss with the Silver Falls 4H group about rounding up some kiddos to help for a couple hours either in the morning or in the afternoon. We will probably not have to provide lunch to the 4H kids.
Trophies (Christa) - Almost done.
CKC Eye Clinic (Christa) - We have acquired a room, we are charging $40/entry.
Nominating Committee (Sandy) - Has reached out to current officers about continuing their role, deadline for response is January 31st.
Golden Bond Rescue Website (Alice) - Acknowledgements page has been taken down.
Clackamas KC Eye Clinic (Jeanie) - We are set to go, they will find a place for us to do the eye clinic, no tents or trailers needed.
New Business
Rachel needs to upload the certificate for volunteering at MTB on the website, then return it to Christa for the archives.
Jeanie received correspondence from the AKC Political Action Committee (PAC) soliciting donations. The club has agreed to donate the minimum of $50 to AKC PAC. Motioned by Debbie, Second by Christa.
Action Items for Next Meeting
Return all the trophies, awards applications probably due.
Meeting Adjourned: 9:00 PM
Motion: Christa / Second: Tammy